L’Shana Tovah Wishing friends of Belong Morris Feinmann a sweet, healthy and happy New Year. To download the latest edition of the What’s On edition, please click here.
Belong Morris Feinmann will accept new residents from 19 June 2017. Enquiries for residential care or an apartment in the new village should be addressed to enquiries@belong.org.uk Further information can be found here
Manchester City Council CEO, Sir Howard Bernstein, has performed the ceremonial cutting of the turf to mark the development of a new £12m Belong care village in Didsbury, Manchester. The Morris Feinmann Homes Trust has collaborated with specialist care operator,...
Belong, has partnered with the Morris Feinmann Homes Trust to create a new £12m Belong community care village in West Didsbury. The project, which has now received formal planning consent, will provide specialist care services to the Jewish community in South...
Trustees and the general manager of Edinburgh House (London Sephardi home for the elderly in London) came to visit Belong homes in Atherton, Wigan and Warrington to learn about what the latest and best in care for the elderly really looks like. Nick Dykes, CEO of...